IRMD Africa has gone global... we are IRMD GROUP LLP (UK)

Headquartered in Benin (West Africa), IRMD Africa has been helping hundreds of companies of various sizes across Africa to make quality strategic decisions since 2012. Our involvement ranges from market research (both qualitative and quantitative) to financial modelling and business planning. Our revised strategic vision SCALE30 has led us to establish IRMD GROUP LLP (UK) for global impact, with Africa as the heartbeat of our activities.

Completely caught up in the "4th revolution", in the knowledge economy...

We want to be part of the change that is happening in Africa… We strongly believe that the intensive and intelligent use of technology will significantly help to reduce the data gap across the continent, improving strategic decision making, risk mitigation and business performance.


AI-Powered strategic data science for effective decision-making

You are in control! we help you make strategic decision with our timely, accurate and comprehensive market intelligence solutions

Compelling financial modelling & business planning for competitive edge in Africa

You can trust us! We have been successfully delivering comprehensive and efficient business plans across Africa for over a decade.

Some recent jobs...

Our most recents publications...

Jobs happily delivered
countries covered
hours of training facilitated
participants trained

Our clients viewpoints...

Olade Affoyon, CEO of OFS, Benin

Their technical expertise, ability to simplify complex concepts and effective communication make them a valuable asset. IRMD has contributed to our success, and working with their team has been a rewarding experience.

Said Agbanrin., CEO of Manegere Associés, France

They never disappoint! Their "know-how" makes them a long term partner for our company.

They patronise us...

The IRMD Group aims to catalyse growth and innovation in Africa’s MSME sector through investment, research, marketing and development efforts.
In today’s knowledge economy, our primary focus is to provide MSMEs with access to high quality, affordable and real-time data and insights for data-driven strategic decision making to drive business performance and economic growth.
We are also committed to providing quality business education and supporting financial inclusion for MSMEs.


IRMD Group LLP | 20 Wenlock Road, London, N1 7GU, UK | |